Everything You Need To Know If Your Friend Is Officiating Your Wedding
Each state, county, or even city has its own rules on who is allowed to make your union official. Check with the county clerk on what you need to do!
2. Make sure your friend gets ordained
If your friend is legally able to officiate then it’s time to get him or her ordained. An easy way to get ordained is going towww.monastery.com. There are other options as well but always double check with the county clerk!
3. Determine if your friend needs to register with the court
Your friend is now ordained but now you need to make sure all paperwork and legal checkboxes are checked. Some regions require credentials to be filed with the court and some do not. Some places require officiants to register and appear in person at the County Clerk’s office. Make sure to check!
4. Work with your friend to write the ceremony
Having your friend officiate can highly personalize your wedding which most couples love. But do not forget about the legal requirements of the ceremony! For example, in Seattle a marriage is not legally recognized unless the couple declares that they take each other to be spouses during the ceremony. Again – check with the county clerk on what you need!
5. Discuss attire
Keep in mind all eyes will be on the couple and the officiant!
6. Practice with your friend before the rehearsal
The rehearsal ceremony is not the time to do a first dry run of the ceremony. An inexperienced officiant won’t know how to stage everyone, how to time things, and in what order so make sure to practice beforehand. The rehearsal ceremony will then run much smoother if you have practiced.
7. Your friend must sign and return the marriage license to the county clerk
It is the officiant’s responsibility to send the completed marriage license to the state within the required timeframe!